Partners of Île aux Perroquets
The results of the joint efforts surrounding this project are visible to all: preservation of the buildings making up the Île aux Perroquets light station; installation of autonomous water and energy supply systems; creation, production and installation of a permanent exhibit in the foghorn building; the laying out of an outdoor interpretation circuit and rest areas; upgrading and expansion of the visitor information building to the west of Longue-Pointe-de-Mingan, thereby breathing new life into the Carrefour Mer et Culture project; job creation and maintenance; generation of economic activities; etc.
The CÎP’s board of directors is proud of all the major milestones achieved to date within the framework of this project, and wishes to express its gratitude to the people and organizations that have actively contributed to the success of this project from the time of its inception.
Government partners
Government of Canada
- Parks Canada
- Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec
- Community Diversification Program / International cruise development
- Quebec Economic Development Program
Government of Quebec
- Ministère du Tourisme (Ministry of Tourism)
- Programme d’aide au développement touristique au nord du 49e parallèle (Aid program for tourism development north of the 49th parallel)
- Programme de soutien au développement et à la promotion touristique, volet Entente de partenariat régional en tourisme (Tourism development and promotion support program – Regional partnership agreement for tourism)
- Ministère des affaires municipales et de l’occupation du territoire (Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Land Occupancy)
- Fonds conjoncturel de développement (Cyclical response development fund)
Tourisme Côte-Nord|Duplessis
- Regional partnership agreement for tourism in the Duplessis administrative region
– “niche” accommodation
Conférence régionale des élus de la Côte-Nord (North Shore conference of elected officials)
- Fonds régional en économie sociale (Regional social economy fund)
- Fonds de développement régional (Regional development fund)
Emploi Québec/Centre local d’emploi de Havre-Saint-Pierre (Local employment centre)
Municipality of Longue-Pointe-de-Mingan
Municipalité régionale de comté de la Minganie (Mingan regional county municipality)
- Fonds de soutien aux territoires en difficultés (Support fund for areas experiencing hardship)
Centre local de développement de la Minganie (Mingan region local development centre)
- Fonds de soutien à l’émergence de projet d’entreprise (Business project support fund)
- Fonds d’économie sociale (Social economy fund)
- Pacte rural régional et local (Regional and local rural agreement)
- Fonds local d’investissement (Local investment fund)
Private partners
Desjardins de Mingan-Anticosti
Rio Tinto Fer et Titane
Pomerleau Les Bateaux
Optik 360