Lightkeeper's house
5 persons minimum
10 persons maximum (double occupancy)
Guests will feel immediately at home in the highly convivial dining room abutting the main kitchen. The first lighthouse keeper’s house was erected in 1888 and was replaced by a second, better-equipped house in 1951, during Robert Kavanagh’s term of duty. The lighthouse was also rebuilt during a phase of lighthouse modernization following World War II. This beacon rises to 21 metres above sea level; its lamp flashes every 5 seconds and can be seen across the north channel separating Anticosti Island from the mainland.

Assistant Lighthouse keeper's house
3 persons minimum
6 persons maximum (double occupancy)
Beginning in the 1950s, numerous assistant lighthouse keepers made their home in this very cozy abode, which is smaller than the lighthouse keeper’s. Initially, the assistant was paid out of the lighthouse keeper’s wages. With time, his work came to be recognized and appreciated, such that he began to receive wages in his own right. No fewer than 37 assistants lived and worked on Île aux Perroquets throughout its history.
The light on Île aux Perroquets was designated as a heritage lighthouse under the Heritage Lighthouse Protection Act, and was the first light to receive such designation in Quebec.